School Blog


11/12/2020 | School Blog

For Yoxall St Peter’s 2020 has been a year like no other when we had to close our doors and adapt to home learning.

Every year we are thankful for the headteacher, the staff, the parents and the children which make our school the wonderful place it is. But this year we have been amazed at the level of hard work and commitment shown by everyone as we have found a way through these strange times. The children, supported by parents and carers at home, have produced some fantastic work and the teachers and learning support assistants worked incredibly hard to set work for home.

It was an absolute delight to welcome the whole school back in September. Once again, the school is filled with children’s chatter and laughter, just as it should be. The children and staff have all been amazing in adapting to the ‘new normal’ and the children are so happy to be back with their friends and teachers.

This has been a challenging year for all of us but there have been some positives too. We have seen a new appreciation for the vital role our school plays in our community and we want to build on this for the future. We look forward to some community focused projects when the situation allows. We were really pleased to welcome two new parent governors and the skills they are bringing to our group. We have also seen again how strong and resilient our school is – from the headteacher to all the staff, our parents and most of all our wonderful children.

We look forward to 2021 with a sense of hope and gratitude and hope you can all enjoy a happy and restful Christmas.

Yoxall St Peter’s Local Governing Body



01543 472 236


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St Peter's Yoxall C of E Primary School
King Street
DE13 8NF


Partner School in the John Taylor MAT