Yoxall Community Time Capsule

Yoxall Community Time Capsule

Dear Parents/Carers If you would like to purchase a Time Capsule, these will be available after school next Friday at the cost of £5, for a single Capsule or £10 for a family Capsule. These would then need returning to school before the 21st May. Thank...

60 Seconds Vegtastic Lunch Box Hacks

Dear Parents/Carers As part of Veg Power’s on-going mission to encourage the UK to eat more veg, they would like to make it easier for parents and carers to add more veg to children’s lunchboxes. Recent research from Leeds University found that only one in...
Captain Tom 100

Captain Tom 100

Friday 30th April 2021 would have been Captain Sir Tom Moore’s 101st birthday and the one-year anniversary of the  extraordinary celebrations following the conclusion of his famous 100 laps of his garden that raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS. Tom’s...