School Calendar

Annual Calendar Due to popular demand, the annual school calendar is back for 2020! The calendars have photographs of the children, pictured in the month of their birthday and include useful school term and holiday dates. These make ideal Christmas / New Year presents...
Poppy Appeal – After Half Term

Poppy Appeal – After Half Term

Dear Parents/Carers After Half-Term we will be offering the above items for sale in class to raise money for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.  We will be sending out a text message before the children come back into school on Tuesday, 3rd November 2020. Thank...

New School Dinner’s Menu

Dear Parents/Carers Mellor’s Catering have recently met with our school council and have devised a new menu, which will start after half term.  The children have had a great input into this new menu. Also attached is a poster for Bonfire Night, quite a few...
Introducing Parent Pay

Introducing Parent Pay

After half term we will be switching our payment provider to ParentPay.  Before ‘going live’ you will receive an activation letter/email advising you of your details which will enable you to log on and activate your account.  We will also be using...